Securing Digital Wealth

We prioritize your safety with a private cloud protected by Web application firewalls (WAF), multiple security layers following Advanced encryption standards (AES). Enjoy extra security features such as in-app pin codes, two-factor authentication for withdrawals, and the ability to whitelist withdrawal addresses.

How do we protect your account?

Here’s a quick preview of our protection methods:

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is required by default, in order to access your account and make withdrawals.

Biometric or Passcode Verification

Enhancing security by using fingerprints, face recognition or passcode to verify it’s really you.

Session Management

Your sessions are securely managed, maintaining continuity and security throughout the app experience.

Your assets are safe with watwallet

For maximum security, you can customize your seed phrase to access your wallet which makes it easier to remember and impossible for others to guess. Make sure to not share it with anyone.

Coming Soon: We’ve secured your account with 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) which means you can choose between Biometrics, Pin codes, or Phone/Email OPT. Whichever makes you feel safe, we got you.

Your privacy matters

End-to-End Encryption

All sensitive data, including transaction details, are end-to-end encrypted, ensuring that only you have access to your information.

Our systems are monitored 24/7

We employ advanced threat detection technologies to prevent unauthorized access.

Regular Audits

Our integrated systems and smart contracts are rigorously audited by third-party security firms to ensure they are free from vulnerabilities.

Your privacy matters

End-to-End Encryption

All sensitive data, including transaction details, are end-to-end encrypted, ensuring that only you have access to your information.

Our systems are monitored 24/7

We employ advanced threat detection technologies to prevent unauthorized access.

Regular Audits

Our integrated systems and smart contracts are rigorously audited by third-party security firms to ensure they are free from vulnerabilities.

Your privacy matters

How do we protect your account?

How do we protect your account?

Enhancing security by using fingerprints, face recognition or passcode to verify it’s really you.

Enhancing security by using fingerprints, face recognition or passcode to verify it’s really you.

Enhancing security by using fingerprints, face recognition or passcode to verify it’s really you.

Embark on a crypto journey with us

Send, receive and HODL your digital assets with the lowest fees and highest security with watwallet.